How to give your child a drink when he is sick: importance and practical advice

Each of us has heard at least once from a doctor the advice about "drinking a lot" when a child is sick. But if with adults everything is simple — we can just pour a cup of water and drink it, then with children the matter is much more complicated. Children often do not want to drink, especially when they are sick. But proper and abundant drinking is not only the prevention of dehydration, but also an important element of treatment. So how to convince a child to drink during illness and why is it so important?

Why is drinking during illness important?

  1. Prevention of dehydration. When a child is sick, they lose fluids through sweat, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. Without adequate drinking, the body can become dehydrated, which can lead to serious complications.
  2. Moisturizing the mucous membranes. When a child drinks enough, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract remain moisturized, which allows the body to better fight viruses and bacteria.
  3. Easier coughing. If a child suffers from a cough with bronchitis or pneumonia, fluid helps to thin the phlegm, which makes coughing easier. This is not just folk wisdom — water really has a scientifically proven effect.
  4. Prevention of acetonemic vomiting. When a child does not eat, but drinks sweet drinks, this helps to avoid acetonemic vomiting — one of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
  5. Improving well-being. Fluid helps to remove toxins and metabolic products that are formed during the illness from the body. This helps to quickly restore strength.
  6. Improving the effect of antipyretic drugs. If the child drinks enough fluids, antipyretic drugs work more effectively, because water helps activate metabolism and increases the effectiveness of the drugs.

How much to drink

There are some general recommendations for how much fluid a child needs, depending on their age and condition.
  • For children under 10 kg, approximately 100 ml for each kilogram of weight.
  • For children over 10 kg, 50 ml for each kilogram of weight.
  • These figures can be increased if the child has a fever, vomiting or diarrhea.
According to pediatricians, it is important not to measure fluid in milliliters. A simpler guideline is the frequency of urination. If the child drinks enough, he will urinate at least once every 2-3 hours. Urine should be light in color and without a strong odor. If these conditions are met, everything is going according to plan.

What to give your child to drink

To convince your child to drink, it is important to consider their preferences and age. Here are some drinking options:
  1. Breast milk or formula: for infants.
  2. Water is the best option: especially if your child does not want to drink other drinks. Natural drinking water "AQUA Myrhorod" Still and Sparkling is perfect for giving your child to drink. In addition, water has a high content of minerals and trace elements, which can help your child restore their water-salt balance.
  3. Electrolyte solutions: such as "Humana Electrolyte", "Ionica" or "Regidron Optim", which help restore their water-salt balance.
  4. Compote: it is even recommended by doctors, as it is a good source of vitamins and fluid.
  5. Light tea with sugar: for children over 2 years old. This is suitable for relieving the condition and raising the mood.
  6. Glucose solution or sweet water: is well suited for children with acetonemic syndrome.
  7. "Viburnum-raspberry": grandmother's medicinal recipe. This is a wonderful drink that not only provides the necessary fluids, but also adds a sense of care and comfort.

Tips for parents

  1. Be patient. Sometimes a child may refuse to drink, so it is important not to force him, but to try to approach this process with caution.
  2. Create comfortable conditions for drinking. You can give your child a drink in his favorite cup or through a straw, which can make the process more pleasant.
  3. Do not forget about the temperature of the drinks. Very cold or hot drinks can be unpleasant for a child, so it is better for them to be at room temperature.


Drinking during illness is not just a habit, but an important element of treatment and prevention of complications. Proper drinking helps your child recover faster, reduce symptoms of the disease and prevent possible complications. By choosing the right drinks, creating comfortable conditions for drinking and monitoring the amount of fluid drunk, you will help your baby return to normal faster.

Frequently asked questions

How much to drink when you're sick

For children up to 10 kg weight - approximately 100 ml for each kilogram of weight. For children over 10 kg, 50 ml for each kilogram of weight. These numbers can be increased if the child has fever, vomiting or diarrhea

What should I give my child when he is sick?

Breast milk or formula - for infants, water, electrolyte solutions, compote, light tea with sugar, glucose solution or sweet water, “kalina-malina”

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